Intelligence employees using memory robbery to make fake claims about maidservants, get them monthly salaries

One of the best examples of the lack of honesty and humanity in indian tech and internet companies is how they encouraging intelligence employees to use the ROBBED memory, data of online workers,investors to make fake claims about maidservants and get them monthly salaries
Though most maidservants cannot use computers, do not speak english, as part of the exploitation racket the powerful intelligence employees are belittling, criminally defaming the online workers, falsely claiming that they are doing the computer work and getting them monthly salaries.
Then the maidservant is expected to remove cash from her bank account to which the salary is credited, and give it to the intelligence employee every month, so he can continue to make fake claims. A maidservant rekha who has allegedly got a job faking computer work was spotted outside a bank, giving cash to a person who was waiting outside the bank.
The other raw/cbi employees like goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan who are also faking computer work also may be having similar deals with a powerful intelligence employee/politician.

Bengaluru’s top cheater couple raw employe housewife nayanshree- guruprasad pay their maidservant, not the writer

Indicating the high levels of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian tech and internet sector, Bengaluru’s top cheater couple raw employee brahmin housewife nayanshree- guruprasad, tata power employee will pay their maidservant for the work she does , not the writer whose data they rob since 2011 to get cheater nayanshree great powers,monthly government salary at the expense of the real writer, single woman engineer who is spending her time daily writing
Usually states are defending citizens from the state, yet the dishonest karnataka officials/leaders are taking huge bribes from greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, gurugram cheater ruchita kinge, indore cheater deepika/veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not pay any expenses, and allowing them to fake domain ownership and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer, domain investor from north karnataka who is actually paying the domain expenses.
To cover up the domain renewal cost due to the financial fraud of thane greedy gujju stock trader amita patel since 2013, the single woman engineer was forced to do writing work, yet showing how ruthless the karnataka officials are in cheating, exploiting, robbing her, they refused to acknowledge the time she spent writing and falsely gave credit, got a monthly government salary for Bengaluru’s top cheater raw employee brahmin housewife nayanshree who was actually only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband guruprasad, never did any writing work at all like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER ridhi nayak caro.
In all other industry sectors, businesses will pay their workers for the time they spend working, even if the work is not perfect, only in the indian tech, internet sector, the cheater companies allegedly led by google, are making flimsy excuses of quality to paying the writer, single woman engineer for more than 14 years in a case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, which the indian mainstream media refuses to cover.

Caretakers hired for taking care of senior citizens are paid at least Rs 20000 a month, for 6 hours work daily with free food,lodging

Caretakers hired for taking care of senior citizens are paid at least Rs 20000 a month, for 6 hours work daily with free food,lodging.
These caretakers cannot speak, read or write english yet the agency hiring them ensures that they get a fair salary for the work they do.
In contrast, the top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, cognizant are extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING online workers, investors, criminally defaming them, robbing their data and making fake claims about the lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends, and associates of top indian government employees like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan to get them no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector, while the real domain investor are making great losses because of the great fraud of SHAMELESS LIAR top tech and internet companies who are DUPING companies, countries and people worldwide with fake stories of online work, payment of online expenses

well paid LIAR raw/cbi employees will happily pay their maidservant, cook, driver, yet are extremely ruthless in their government SLAVERY racket on online workers

One of the best indications of the rot in indian society and government is how the the well paid LIAR raw/cbi employees will happily pay their maidservant, cook, driver for the work they do, yet are extremely ruthless in their work at home fraud, government SLAVERY of online workers, refusing to acknowledge the time the worker has spent since 2010
Instead in a massive SLAVERY racket allegedly masterminded by the top tech, internet companies, cia, mi6, the lazy LIAR banking fraudster raw/cbi employees are rewarded for cybercrime, robbing the data of the online worker, investor and then falsely claiming that that they are doing the computer work, when the housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees are actually COOKING, CLEANING for their crooked husband, doing non-internet related work
Bank details will easily and legally prove the work at home fraud , government SLAVERY of the lazy greedy liar raw/cbi employees yet the indian government, tech and internet companies continue to reward these banking fraudsters like indore’s top cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena who looks like actress deepika padukone with great powers, monthly government salaries and are also duping companies, countries and people worldwide with their complete lies.

Due to madhya pradesh government FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY, goa 1989 jee topper makes less than a maidservant

Madhya pradesh government was aware that government employees were not paying expenses yet spread fake rumors to get indore CHEATER housewife monthly government salary Increasing government agencies and cheater states are openly involved in a massive work at home fraud on online workers, refusing to acknowledge the time they spend working due to which the online workers are making less money than a maidservant and are victims of government financial fraud.

Showing how GREEDY SHAMELESS LIAR state governements are targetting hardworking obc single women engineers for FINANCIAL FRAUD to get lazy greedy housewives and other frauds from the state no work no investment government jobs while the single woman engineer was criminally defamed to ruin her reputation so that the housewives and other frauds could continue getting monthly government salaries
The extremely GREEDY CHEATER LIAR Madhya pradesh government was aware that government employees especially frauds puneet, google employee prakash from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay were not paying online expenses yet spread fake rumors to get indore CHEATER housewife deepika/veena a monthly government salary in the indian internet sector, faking paypal, bank account, domain ownership since 2010
Showing the massive levels of indian government financial fraud, corruption, the indian government blindly believed all the lies to waste taxpayer paying indore’s top cheater housewife deepika/veena a monthly government salary for FAKING bank account, domain ownership since 2010
To cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD the greedy shameles cheater madhya pradesh government has also supported other greedy shameless fraud states like goa,gujarat, haryana, karnataka in criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting and robbing the single woman engineer and getting no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector FAKING domain ownership, online income and resume, in a case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD which has shocked people worldwide with bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar and others being the main beneficiary
Due to the brutality, GREED, DISHONESTY of the shameless liar madhya pradesh government running india’s greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010,the single woman engineer with a much better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai is making less than a maidservant and though the shameless liar madhya pradesh government has plenty of money to run full page advertisements in times of india costing Rs 15 lakh,it refuses to legally purchase the domains or ask its favorite FRAUD indore housewife deepika/veena to legally purchase the domains, though indore’s top cheater raw employee deepika/veena continues to get a monthly government salary only for FAKING domain ownership including this one

Angry cook tries to electrocute sleeping teacher

While cunning cruel cheater government employees are criminally defaming professionals for not keeping maidservants and cooks, falsely claiming that these professionals are security threats, the fact is that keeping any household help is always risky.
In the latest incident, a cook in Andheri, tried to electrocute a teacher Bethsheeba seth while she was sleeping in her home.The teacher woke up suddenly to find that the cook was standing with a live electrical wire. She started shouting and her son came to the room. The cook later apologized and left.
The teacher claimed that she had shouted at the cook earlier, and he was upset,so tried to kill her.
This incident exposes the risk of keeping household help, if a family member shouts at the help, they may get upset, try to harm or even kill the family members.
On the other hand,if the family member does not shout,the cook or maidservant will do whatever they wish.

Domain investor making less than a maidservant because of FAKE team FRAUD of Extremely CUNNING CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet,tech, internet companies

Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet spreading FAKE team rumors to run a government SLAVERY racket on his female btech 1993 ee classmate

One of the most DISHONEST CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR ONLINE FRAUDSTERs in india is the Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet spreading FAKE team rumors to run a government SLAVERY racket on his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, who he HATES, ROBBINg all her data to make fake claims about his lazy greedy cheater girlfriends to get all his lazy greedy girlfriends like haryana human monster cheater ruchita kinge, indore fraud deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshreee, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector.

The Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet is aware that his lazy greedy FRAUD real girlfriends who he has got no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector have never done any computer work, do not invest money online, yet being the greatest ONLINE FRAUDSTER in india, he continues to make up FAKE team stories so that his fraud girlfriends get very less money, while his female btech 1993 ee classmate is making almost nothing because of the government SLAVERY, fake team stories of Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet
Even maidservants are paid for the work they do, yet because of the FAKE team fraud of Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet,a smooth operator, high class conman, the government refuses to acknowledge the computer work of the single woman engineer and is making up FAKE stories about its lazy greedy fraud employees who do not do any computer work since 2010

Even maidservants are paid for the work they do, only haryana human resources manager FRAUD raw employee ruchita kinge refuses to pay online workers

Though she is a human resources manager in optum with a very good salary of Rs 15 lakh, haryana human monster gurugram cheater raw employee ruchita kinge is ruthless in her labor law violations, government SLAVERY racket targetting hardworking older single women doing computer work at home.
Even maidservants are paid for the time they spend doing work, yet being an extremely greedy SHAMELESS FRAUD, haryana’s top ONLINE FRAUDSTER gurugram cheater raw employee ruchita kinge refuses to acknowledge the time which the single woman engineer is spending and is making up fake stories that all the computer work is done by a bot with the help of her powerful fraud boyfriends puneet, sumit, verma from the btech 1993 ee,cs class of iit bombay, arya, vikas like the greedy goan bhandari cheater CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees
Additionally though she has plenty of money to lead a lavish lifestyle going for foreign holidays regularly, and having a staycation in a five star hotel with daily room rent of Rs 7000, she refuses to legally purchase this and other domains, relies on the dishonest LIAR CORRUPT raw employees to abuse their powers and make fake claims about the ownership of this and other domains, to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The indian tech and internet companies show that they are openly rewarding online fraud when they continue to support haryana human monster gurugram cheater raw employee ruchita kinge in her domain ownership, financial fraud, EXTORTION RACKET, duping countries, companies and people with fake stories about the haryana conwoman ruchita kinge to get her a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

well paid domain fraudster raw/cbi employees will pay their maidservants, not the online workers whose paypal,bank account they falsely claim to own

Indicating the extent of the massive human rights abuses, government SLAVERY which online workers in india are subjected to, the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees like indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, haryana human monster fraud ruchita kinge, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel will readily acknowledge the work which their maidservants will do in their house and pay them monthly salaries of Rs 4000 monthly for one hour work daily .
Yet in one of the most brutal cases of government SLAVERY masterminded by the extremely dishonest greedy CHEATER tech and internet companies these high status respectable well paid domain fraudster raw/cbi employees are falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of private citizens, online workers who they HATE, criminally defame, and have not contacted regarding online work.
The companies outside india are paying only if they get some service or are sold a domain/website and since the housewife, call girl and other fraud raw/cbi employees are not interested in doing any kind of computer work, paying a large amount for domains, there is no reason to pay these frauds online and a monthly government salary.
Yet showing how the indian tech, internet companies are using fake rumors to run india’s greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010, these cheater companies are falsely claiming that LIAR top government employees especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay , who HATE the domain investor, are doing all the computer work, paying all the expenses when it can be legally proved that government employees are not paying any domain and other expenses at all.

Since the domain fraudster raw/cbi employes are also ROBBING advertising revenues and refusing to purchase domains, the real domain investor is making great losses, forcing her to complain about cheater housewives, call girls and other frauds who do spend TIME doing computer work, yet get monthly salaries only for making fake claims since 2010, with the support of top tech, internet companies

madhya pradesh government extremely ruthless in government SLAVERY, treating online workers worse than maidservants

To cover up madhya pradesh government SLAVERY racket, FRAUD LIAR indore officials are always criticizing the single woman engineer who they have CHEATED,EXPLOITED, ROBBED
domains are not free , the GREEDY SHAMELESS CHEATERF LIAR madhya pradesh government, FRAUD LIAR indore officials/leaders are aware that their favorite FRAUD indore’s top CYBERCRIMINAL CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena like the other fraud government employees cheater puneet, google employee prakash from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay have never paid any money for domains any time in their life
Yet the madhya pradesh government FRAUD LIAR indore officials/leaders are running the greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, EXTORTION RACKET to get indore’s top CYBERCRIMINAL CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena a monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership, bank account, online income.
Due to the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION and madhya pradesh government SLAVERY racket, FRAUD LIAR indore officials, the real domain investor, a single woman engineer has to work very long hours, doing computer work, to make money to pay the domain renewal fees
Though the domain ownership, financial fraud of the CHEATERF LIAR madhya pradesh government, FRAUD LIAR indore officials/leaders has made their their favorite FRAUD indore’s top CYBERCRIMINAL CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena extremely wealthy with assets of more than Rs 10 crores she refuses to purchase even a single domain though the indian government continues to waste tax payer money paying a monthly salary to indore domain fraudster raw employee deepika/veena
The extremely CUNNING CHEATER LIAR indore officials/leaders are aware that their great fraud has adversely affected the lifestyle of the real domain investor, government SLAVERY victim, she has no time to maintain her house,for housekeeping
yet instead of having pity on their fraud victim, they are always criticizing the condition of the house and trying to justify their endless financial fraud, government SLAVERY
Even maidservants are paid for the time they spend working , only the indian tech, internet companies, state governments especially madhya pradesh are extremely brutal in their government SLAVERY of online workers, refusing to pay anything instead making fake claims about indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena who is only COOKING, CLEANING for her fraud family