Advertise on a housekeeping, home maintenance related website

Advertise on a website covering
– housekeeping
– home maintenance
– household help
– cleaning charges
– tools and equipment
– time for cleaning


Please note that R&AW/cbi, ntro employees are not associated with the website in any way, as they are not spending any money and not doing any work online, only making fake claims to get credit and a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, who is broke because of the ntro, government financial fraud since 2010.

Housekeeping staff paid monthly salary of Rs 13500

Working as housekeeping staff does not require much education or skills, yet in an advertisement posted on the walls of a building , the housekeeping staff is paid Rs 13500 monthly for the housekeeping work they do spending their time.

This again exposes the massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket in the indian tech and internet sector since 2010, the tech, internet companies, government agencies refuse to acknowledge the time and money which some online investors, workers alone are spending, instead robbing their data to make fake claims about their greedy goan call girls like panaji sunaina chodan, cheater housewives and other frauds who do not spend any time and money at all doing computer/mobile work and getting all these fraudsters monthly government salary at the expense of the real online worker, investor.

Angry cook prepares food using her urine for Ghaziabad business family

According to media reports, members of Ghaziabad family fell sick after consuming food which their cook had prepared with her urine.
The children and other members of the Ghaziabad businessman family had liver related problems, so that they consulted a doctor.
The doctor told them that they should carefully watch the food which they are eating.
Initially the family could not find the cause of the problem. Later they installed a cctv camera in the kitchen to monitor their cooks activities
They found that she was making the dough for parathas and chapatis using her urine collected in a bowl.
Initially when confronted, the cook denied everything later when confronted with the cctv footage, she admitted that she was using urine because she was upset at the family shouting at her.
Though security agencies are harassing citizens who do not have a maidservant or cook, the fact remains that finding a reliable and honest cook and maidservant remains very difficult. If they are upset with anything, they can take revenge in other ways,ruining the health of the family members.

kindly note that bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, kolhapur panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, siddhi mandrekar, indore cheater deepika/veena, gurugram haryana fraud mba ruchita kinge and other greedy fraud raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website since they do not any computer work,do not pay expenses, though LIAR top indian government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, are making fake claims to get their greedy girlfriends, associates, great powers, monthly government salaries in a case of government ONLINE FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY since 2010.
Even maidservants are paid for the work they do, spending their time, only the SHAMELESS LIAR top government employees are extremely ruthless in their ONLINE SLAVERY racket using robbed data since 2010, allegedly with the support of top tech, internet companies, government agencies

Even maidservants are paid for the work they do, only raw/cbi are extremely ruthless in their SLAVERY of some online workers, investors in india

Even maidservants are paid for the work they do spending their time, yet since 2010, RAW/cbi are criminally defaming online investors, workers in government ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket since 2010 falsely claiming that all the payment the online workers, investors receive from customers outside india are gifts from their relatives when the paypal records clearly show that the payment is not from the relative of the online investor
Like all financial service providers, paypal requires all users to provide their tax id, and the tax id clearly proves that the sender is not the relative of the online investor, worker
Yet since 2010, the liar raw/cbi employees have been extremely vicious in their CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, SLAVERY of the online worker, investor refusing to acknowledge the time and money which the online investor, worker alone has been spending.
Insteat these dishonest indian government agencies are robbing the data of the online worker, investor to make fake claims about their lazy greedy goan CALL GIRL, cheater housewife and other lazy greedy fraud employees who do not want to do any computer work, do not want to pay expenses.
When raw/cbi’s favorite fraud employees panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro only wishes to spend her time cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband CHEATER caro, and like greedy gujjju fraud stock broker amita patel, sindhi school dropout naina premchandani, indore cheater deepika/veena other fraud raw/cbi employees does not want to pay expenses, why will customers outside india pay these fraud raw/cbi employees

Now that paypal allows indians to withdraw money to their savings account, raw/cbi fail to answer why their domain fraudster employees are not withdrawing their paypal income if any to the savings account in which these banking fraudster raw/cbi employees get their monthly government salary why they are falsely claiming to own the bank account of private citizen

Top tech, internet companies continue to treat online workers, investors worse than maidservants

In one of the worst cases of government SLAVERY, financial fraud in india Top tech, internet companies allegedly led by google continue to treat online workers, investors worse than maidservants refusing to acknowledge the time and money they are spending online, doing computer/mobile work since 2010

Instead since 2010, these shameless greedy cheeater companies are rewarding all the lazy greedy shameless frauds like indore’s top cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena , panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, haryana fraud mba ruchita kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, kolhapur sindhi scammer naina premchandani and other frauds who rob the data of the single woman engineer who they hate, to make fake claims of domain ownership, online income
The indian tech and internet sector, is blindly believing the complete lies of CUNNING CHEATER LIAR top government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, who hate the single woman engineer, their classmate, and are robbing all her data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends to get them great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman in a case of FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY.
Anyone checking the website network, will immediately realize that indian government employees are not paying for the websites, and are not doing any work, yet the indian tech and internet sector refuses to question the LIAR top indian government employees who are making fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and associates to get them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor in a case of slavery, financial fraud

So countries, companies and people worldwide should be aware that Top tech, internet companies, government agencies in india continue to treat online workers, investors worse than maidservants refusing to acknowledge the money and time which they alone spend and reward those who rob their data to make fake claims.

LIAR top government employees will pay their maidservants, only for online work, they falsely give credit to their pet CALL GIRLS, girlfriends

In an indication that the SLAVERY levels in the indian tech, internet sector are the highest in the world, LIAR top government employees will pay their maidservants,drivers, cooks for the work they do, only for online, computer work, they refuse to acknowledge the work which the online worker, investor does, ruthlessly ROB the data of the online worker, investor and falsely give credit to their pet CALL GIRLS, girlfriends who do not spend time and get their girlfriends, associates monthly government salaries at the expense of the online investor
To cover up their massive financial fraud, slavery, the liar cheater top government employees first faked their relationship with the domain investor, single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka who they HATED.
when the engineer started protesting that the LIAR top government employees hated her, had never contacted her, the liar cheater top government employees are now torturing the single woman engineer, increasing the radiation level, making it difficult to sleep at night.

Some caretakers betray the senior citizens they are supposed to take care of

Many people are not able to take care of their parents in their old age, since they have a job and hire a caretaker.
Yet in some cases the caretaker may betray the senior citizen, ruin his or her health intentionally, taking advantage of the fact that there is no one to supervise them.
In addition to the very good salary, if the senior citizen has enemies who wish to harm him like greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel, the caretaker may take money from the enemies also.
One caretaker was telling others on phone, that caretaking is very lucrative, because they get paid from the family members as well the enemies of the senior citizen who they are taking care of.
There are many ways the caretaker can ruin the health of senior citizen, from using too much ghee, oil, sugar, salt in the food to mentally torturing the senior citizen, increasing the blood pressure.

Doctor furious after gwalior caretaker flirts with her

People should be very careful while choosing a caretaker because it will reflect badly on them, if the caretaker misbehaves with other people.
Nilesh, the dalit caretaker for a senior citizen from Gwalior, was arrogant,audacious and a great flirt.
In addition to flirting with the nurses,he also flirted audaciously with the lady on duty doctor, telling her she would look more beautiful without braces,
The doctor was furious at the audacity of the caretaker and complained to the senior citizens family.
However, when confronted the dalit caretaker denied everything, saying that he was always with the patient,he never flirted
There is no logical reason why the doctors, nurses will complain, make up fake stories, if the dalit caretaker had actually not misbehaved
It appears that like bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet, telling lies is a madhya pradesh tradition due to which nilesh shamelessly lied.

Doctors,nurses complain about caretakers misbehavior

Many professionals hire caretakers for their aged parent, they should try to hire older caretakers who are 40 years or older.
One of the main problems faced when younger caretakers are hired, is that they are very arrogant
Sometimes the senior citizen may be hospitalized, and the caretaker will be expected to spend time with senior.
Younger caretakers are often misbehaving with nurses and doctors in the hospital which may adversely affect the senior’s care
In some cases, the caretaker is not listening to the instructions of the doctors and nurses.
Instead of attending to the patient who is bed ridden , the caretaker is roaming around the hospital, flirting with nurses and doctors

Panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro pays her maidservant, not the single woman engineer whose data she robs

In addition to refusing to pay for domains, or domain renewal expenses, like her powerful boyfriends especially vijay,Panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is also openly involved in cybercrime robbing all the data of a single woman engineer,who she and her husband CHEATER caro hate and criminally defame so that they can continue with their CYBERCRIME, FAKING computer work,online income and get a monthly government salary,great powers at the expense of the single woman engineer in a case of government SLAVERY
If panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is put under surveillance, it will be proved that she is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband CHEATER caro,socializing, she does not do any computer work at all, does not pay any domain, online expenses. Yet in a major labor law violation,financial fraud helped by cheater husband caro working in security agencies for more than 12 years,Panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro has been ROBBING the data of a single woman engineer and then falsely claiming that she is doing the computer work, when she does not spend any time and money on computer hardware and other expenses
Shockingly the top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google show their honesty, humanity and corporate ethics supporting Panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro in her financial, online fraud, SLAVERY of the single woman engineer. These top companies fail to explain why Panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro like other raw/cbi employees pays her maidservant for the time she spends daily working , not the single woman engineer who spends time daily doing computer work, whose data Panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro regularly robs to make FAKE CLAIMS that she owns this other domains,does computer work
Hindustan times again featured a nivea advertisement featuring a look alike of SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR DOMAIN, BANKING FRAUDSTER panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, wife of FRAUD security agency employee CHEATER caro who is getting a monthly government salary for FAKING her resume, domain, bank account since 2012, as part of the never ending atrocities, SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD on harmless hardworking marathi speaking online workers, investors, professionals from north karnataka

Young fraudsters like telugu trisha will pay their maidservant, refuse to acknowledge online workers,investors

Young fraudsters like architect telugu trisha and their relatives will pay maidservants , yet refuse to acknowledge the online workers whose data they rob to make fake claims
The government agencies are openly involved in online fraud, SLAVERY falsely claiming that Young fraudsters like married architect telugu trisha who do no computer work, are online experts to give them great powers, monthly salary in some cases at the expense of the online worker whose data is robbed.
The Young fraudsters like architect telugu trisha and their relatives will pay maidservants for the work they do in their house spending their time, often the maidservants are spotted entering and leave the relatives house where the wifi hacking equipment was installed
Yet showing how ruthless top tech, internet companies are in their work at home fraud, online slavery, they will refuse to acknowledge the older online worker spending her time daily, instead robbing all her data, criminally defaming her, and then falsely claiming that their favorite fraudster married architect telugu trisha who does not spend time, is doing the computer work, to give her great powers, which are causing losses to the real online worker.
For example the online worker could not redeem her SBI credit card rewards points since fraud architect accenture employee married telugu trisha allegedly blocked the redemption abusing the powers she was given.