In an indication that the SLAVERY levels in the indian tech, internet sector are the highest in the world, LIAR top government employees will pay their maidservants,drivers, cooks for the work they do, only for online, computer work, they refuse to acknowledge the work which the online worker, investor does, ruthlessly ROB the data of the online worker, investor and falsely give credit to their pet CALL GIRLS, girlfriends who do not spend time and get their girlfriends, associates monthly government salaries at the expense of the online investor
To cover up their massive financial fraud, slavery, the liar cheater top government employees first faked their relationship with the domain investor, single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka who they HATED.
when the engineer started protesting that the LIAR top government employees hated her, had never contacted her, the liar cheater top government employees are now torturing the single woman engineer, increasing the radiation level, making it difficult to sleep at night.