Reddit post on government SLAVERY in India confirms that some domain investors are treated worse than maidservants in India

Exposing the extreme greed and dishonesty of the indian tech and internet companies in india, Reddit post on government SLAVERY confirms that domain investors are treated worse than maidservants in India with the government falsely claiming that its call girl, school dropout, cheater, robber housewife, scammer student and other fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains own the domains of a private citizen to give all the frauds monthly government salary, great powers \

Even maidservants are getting paid for the work they do, google,tata are aware that goan bhandari call girl scammer sunaina chodan does not have a computer at home, yet because sunaina allegedly offers sex services to j srinivasan, and other fraud engineers from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, the government is falsely claiming that sunaina and other frauds like nayanshree, panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout housewife naina premchandani, thane fraud stock trader amita patel who do no computer work, are online experts, domain investors to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor

Any help to end the government SLAVERY of domain investors greatly appreciated