Unfair housekeeping comparison of fraud google, tata employees

Usually when comparisons are being made between individuals, both individuals should be subjected to the same terms and conditions, otherwise it is not fair or correct to make the comparison.

However in the case of the google, tata masterminded identity theft fraud which has continued since 2010, prejudiced dishonest NTRO, CBI, indian government officials are unfairly comparing a harmless single woman engineer who is doing all the work online, investing all the money online, with mediocre lazy greedy google, tata sponsored cheater indian intelligence employees who do no work online, do not spend any money online and do not make any money online as legally proved by their income tax records.

This is not a fair comparison as the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored cheater indian intelligence employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree have not made any money online in their life, and a lot of time is wasted for making money online, which could be used for housekeeping.

An open challenge to google, tata to prove that google, tata sponsored cheater indian intelligence employees have any online skills, make money online in an open debate.