Indian government wasting indian tax payer money for housekeeping of google, tata sponsored housewives, sex workers and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees

Indian citizens are extremely unlucky that in 2018, india has the most inefficient, incompetent and corrupt government in the world, wasting crores of indian tax payer money annually for housekeeping of google, tata sponsored housewives, sex workers and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees , who the section 420 fraud ntro employees especially in goa falsely claim are domain investors, owning this and other domain names, when the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees have never invested any money in domain names in their life, and are least interested in doing so

The ntro employees especially in goa are working mainly to increase the profit of google, tata and are irrational shameless section 420 frauds, liars who falsely claim that the condition of a house, number of servants a woman has, is an indication of domain investment, refusing to check bank details, income tax records.

They refuse to acknowledge the fact that a housewife whose husband has plenty of black money or a well paid job or a call girl with powerful lovers, will be able to keep more servants than a broke female domain investor wasting her time, fighting the identity theft attempt of google, tata, ntro, raw,cbi